It’s the perfect documentary to answer the question I’ve seen under every transgender related feed: why should transgender roles be portrayed by transgender actors. Although as a general rule of thumb when it comes to every minority issue, if you are not the minority group that’s being affected, you should just shut up, listen and learn.
三个朝代三个故事三生三世的轮回爱情(套路吧但这是几十年前的电影了)却因为第一个故事由胡金铨导演gone not around any longer是其拿手的明代故事把整部电影的格局拉升了虽然是个短小故事却有着胡大师一如既往的风格:故事丰满曲折国风唯美至于第二个民国风则沦为台湾熟悉少爷爱戏子的套路了第三个故事更多的是反映了岛上传统而落后的大海敬畏文化例如乩童残体等至于爱情死过几次终归会是相信命运的